English Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Winter Park’

5 Ways to Improve Your AC Performance

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Now that it’s getting warm again, it’s time to consider how you’re going to keep your home cool for the rest of the spring season and the upcoming summer season. This is easier to do than you might think. If you’re searching for easy ways to improve your air conditioning service, then you’ve found the right blog. We’ll go over some of the best tips to change the game. 

We’re the professionals you can rely on because we know air conditioning service in Winter Park, FL. We understand that you want to have the most effective air conditioning possible and we’re here to help. Let’s talk below…

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The Importance of Filter Changes

Monday, September 6th, 2021

Your air conditioner’s filter is your front line of defense against any AC troubles in your home. This is why it’s important for you to change your filter on a routine basis. We suggest changing your HVAC system’s filter once a season at the very least. The frequency needs to increase if any of the members of your household are prone to allergies, have chronic illnesses, or if you have pets.

Do you have questions about filter changes? Maybe you’re wondering about their importance, how to change it, the role of a professional in this matter, or about air conditioning service in Winter Park, FL as a whole. We’ll get into everything below…

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5 Signs That You’ll Have AC Trouble this Summer

Monday, July 5th, 2021

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could have a crystal ball that you could look into and tell you the future? If you had this that unexpected popped tire, the stain on your shirt, and other unexpected problems wouldn’t have you so caught off guard. Well we don’t have a crystal ball for you, but we do have years of experience that can hip us to the signs that your air conditioner is about to go out.

Having the right AC repair in Winter Park, FL when you need it is important. What’s the point in getting “help” that isn’t actually going to help you. We’re here to make sure that your air conditioner’s service is specially tailored to you.

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Parts Are Delayed So Don’t Delay Your Service

Monday, June 21st, 2021

The weather is warming up and it’s important to make sure that you’re cool. The first thing you should do is consider your air conditioning service in Winter Park, FL. This is the peak season for air conditioning repair work—this is nothing new. What is new though is the part delays we’re facing this year.

It’s no secret that 2020 affected us in many unexpected ways. One of the trickle down effects is the impact that COVID had on the HVAC industry. Our industry as a whole is facing a major parts shortage. This is why it’s important for you to get air conditioning repair now before things go awry.

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What Your AC Is Trying to Tell You

Monday, May 10th, 2021

If you’ve ever spent a summer in Florida, then you know that it’s hot. It really goes without saying. It’s already hard enough as it is to stay cool, and things only get worse if you don’t have a pristine air conditioner for the job. We don’t want you to leave your comfort to chance this summer. This is why you should consider AC repair in Winter Park, FL.

It’s common for you to have air conditioner problems that you put off until next year, then next year rolls around and you’re stuck with bad cooling. We’re here to help out. You should call us as soon as you notice the following issues…

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How to Help Your AC

Monday, September 28th, 2020

Are you looking for some ways to help your home’s air conditioner? There are some simple things you can do to help out your air conditioner. If you want a little help getting your air conditioner back on track we’re going to be the ones to guide you. For professional HVAC service in Winter Park, FL, we’re the team to call!

It’s simple to get your home comfort in great shape. We want your home to stay cool. We know how easy it is for you to have a hot, stuffy home here in Florida. We’re going to make sure that this doesn’t happen with these simple AC tips.

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Why Does My AC Sound So Weird?

Monday, September 30th, 2019

Want to know something cool? Your ears are basically teeny tiny HVAC technicians! That’s right! One of the best ways to figure out if something is wrong with your air conditioner is by listening to it!

Of course, your ears are no replacement for a HVAC technician, however, strange sounds are often the first sign of a problem. Below, we have listed some of the most frequently heard noises and what they might mean for your AC. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more (and of course, remember to schedule your air conditioning service in Winter Park, FL with our team!)

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Your AC Installation Quick Guide!

Monday, September 16th, 2019

Just because our neighbors up North are getting ready for Autumn, doesn’t mean we’ll be going to corn mazes, putting on warm sweaters, and jumping in any piles of leaves any time soon. See, we all know just how hot it can be here in Florida this time of year, and therefore, it’s important that you’ve got an AC that can keep up with all your comfort needs.

Whether you are in the market for an air conditioner for the first time or if you’re looking to replace a not-so-great system, you’re in luck! Below, we have provided our quick guide to AC installation. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more!

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