English Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Winter Park’

It’s Not Too Early to Think About AC Service

Monday, February 24th, 2025
AC outdoor technician tools

Here in Florida, we use our air conditioners far more compared to our counterparts in the north. In fact, spring is just around the corner and temperatures are already warming up again on some days. That makes AC maintenance an even bigger priority, and it’s never too soon to schedule the service.

Keep reading to learn why it’s a good time to go ahead and invest in AC maintenance and learn about exactly what happens during one of these service appointments. When you’re ready, you can give our team a call to schedule your service for AC maintenance or AC repair in Winter Park, FL.

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When Should You Schedule Heating Repairs?

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

Taking care of your residential HVAC systems is an ongoing task. There are steps you need to take monthly as a homeowner, and you also need to invest in professional maintenance appointments annually. But what about when problems arise in between these maintenance appointments?

Give our team a call for heating repair in Winter Park any time you suspect that your heater is malfunctioning. You can also keep reading to learn about some of the signs that can point to heater problems so that you know exactly when to call for service. 

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3 Silent Red Flags of Furnace Problems

Monday, November 18th, 2024
cute dog under the warm grey blanket

Furnace problems are usually easy to identify if they are loud and obvious. But many times, furnace problems are quieter, and you may have to really pay attention to identify them. The good news is, we are here to help with some tips for identifying furnace problems that are quiet if not completely silent.

If you suspect that something is wrong with your furnace, give our team a call for furnace repair in Winter Park, FL. Even if it’s just a gut feeling that something is wrong, it’s important to prioritize service to prevent much larger problems including complete furnace breakdowns.

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Using Your AC Wisely: Tips for Preventing Strain on Your AC

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Did you know that how you use your air conditioner has a major impact on effectiveness, efficiency, and lifespan? It’s true. Taking care of your air conditioner through maintenance is great, but those steps can only get you so far. You also have to be careful about how you use your air conditioner in the first place.

Keep reading to learn more about small changes you can make to help your air conditioner work better and last longer. Then, if you ever notice anything wrong with your AC, you can give our team a call to schedule air conditioning repair in Winter Park, FL.

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What Do HVAC Services Cover?

Monday, December 18th, 2023

When you hire HVAC services, what are you really getting? What do HVAC services even cover in your home? We want to help clarify that for you. HVAC is heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. When you look for HVAC in Winter Park, FL, you’re looking for contractors who can cover all of those services.

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How Timely AC Repair Saves You Money on Energy Bills

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Avoiding air conditioner repairs is never a good idea. Not just for your AC, but for your wallet. If you want to keep it fat and happy instead of shelling money out on the cost of prematurely replacing an entire air conditioner, you’re in the right place.

Getting AC repair in Winter Park, FL isn’t supposed to be stressful–and it’ll save you money in the long run. Let’s explain exactly how that works.

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5 Problems That Stem From Poor Air Conditioner Maintenance

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Maintenance is often an oversight when you picture air conditioning service in Winter Park, FL, but it’s critically important. Maintenance serves as a point of inspection for your AC. It allows your technician to ensure everything is working exactly as it should be and renew your AC’s efficiency.

However, maintenance often uncovers problems in their early stages, such as poor wiring, refrigerant leaks, and more. These are problems that you as a homeowner don’t realize until your system breaks down–let’s talk about the big issues that stem from a bad AC maintenance schedule and why it’s imperative to set up annual appointments today.

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Noises Your Air Conditioner Shouldn’t Be Making

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Does your AC get a little noisy from time to time? It’s a machine that’s forcing air through a series of ducts and vents–it’s not exactly silent, but there are some sounds it really shouldn’t make.

In fact, if it’s making these sounds, it could signal that you need AC repair in Winter Park, FL. Let’s talk about what they are, what they mean, and how serious these sounds can really be.

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Is It Too Late for Commercial AC Maintenance?

Monday, October 10th, 2022

Around here, temperatures never cool down for long. Therefore, it’s a good idea to ensure that your commercial property or business that you manage has a fully operational air conditioning system in place.

Maybe your commercial cooling system has been working “just fine,” and so you don’t see any need to schedule any service for it right now. Maybe you figure it’s actually too late for professional commercial AC maintenance.

The truth is, however, that in the absence of a completely irreparable air conditioner breakdown, it’s never too late to schedule commercial AC maintenance. Also, just because your commercial air conditioner isn’t showing any obvious signs that it’s struggling doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t schedule this important service. Maintenance has a number of benefits that will keep your property’s employees, customers, or tenants comfortable, safe, and save you money in the long run. Read on to learn more!

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It’s Never Too Late for This Important AC Service!

Monday, September 12th, 2022

Of course, here in Florida, we tend to use our air conditioners more than the average homeowner. Okay fine, much more than the average homeowner.

So it goes without saying that your air conditioner is going to also require quite a bit more attention than the average air conditioner. So, it makes sense then, that there is really no bad time for maintenance—it’s never too late to have a tune-up for your air conditioner! Regular air conditioner maintenance is the best way to ensure that your system is set up for success.

It is important to have your air conditioner maintenance services performed by a professional HVAC technician at least once a year, preferably before the summer actually begins, but consistency matters much more than timing. If you are not yet convinced, keep reading below. We have outlined all of the reasons why maintenance is so important.

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