English Air Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating Services’

3 Silent Red Flags of Furnace Problems

Monday, November 18th, 2024
cute dog under the warm grey blanket

Furnace problems are usually easy to identify if they are loud and obvious. But many times, furnace problems are quieter, and you may have to really pay attention to identify them. The good news is, we are here to help with some tips for identifying furnace problems that are quiet if not completely silent.

If you suspect that something is wrong with your furnace, give our team a call for furnace repair in Winter Park, FL. Even if it’s just a gut feeling that something is wrong, it’s important to prioritize service to prevent much larger problems including complete furnace breakdowns.

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What Do HVAC Services Cover?

Monday, December 18th, 2023

When you hire HVAC services, what are you really getting? What do HVAC services even cover in your home? We want to help clarify that for you. HVAC is heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. When you look for HVAC in Winter Park, FL, you’re looking for contractors who can cover all of those services.

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It’s Not Too Late to Maintain

Monday, March 1st, 2021

Fall flew by us in a flash. It was like one day it was here and the next it was completely gone. If you didn’t quite get to the bottom of your to-do list where you could cross off “schedule a heating maintenance appointment,” we understand. No, really! We’re not judgmental HVAC professionals over here. We’re people with long to-do lists too. We want to assure you that it’s not to late to schedule an appointment for maintenance either.

You can contact us for your heating in Orlando, FL almost any time of the year. We’re here to help you get all the service you’re looking for that’s going to keep your home in pristine condition. Our goal is to keep you warm.

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