5 Problems That Stem From Poor Air Conditioner Maintenance

May 22nd, 2023

Maintenance is often an oversight when you picture air conditioning service in Winter Park, FL, but it’s critically important. Maintenance serves as a point of inspection for your AC. It allows your technician to ensure everything is working exactly as it should be and renew your AC’s efficiency.

However, maintenance often uncovers problems in their early stages, such as poor wiring, refrigerant leaks, and more. These are problems that you as a homeowner don’t realize until your system breaks down–let’s talk about the big issues that stem from a bad AC maintenance schedule and why it’s imperative to set up annual appointments today.

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The Health Risks of Mold Exposure in Your Home

May 8th, 2023

Mold is one of the worst things to have in your home. It begins to grow at high levels of humidity, and can start on your windows, the corners of your rooms, and in so many other places. The thing is, most of the time once you notice it, it’s already been there for a while.

Getting proper mold inspection in Orlando, FL helps you understand how bad the situation is and just where the problem lies. Let’s talk about the reasons that mold exposure is bad for you and your family so we can establish the severity of the issue.

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Noises Your Air Conditioner Shouldn’t Be Making

April 24th, 2023

Does your AC get a little noisy from time to time? It’s a machine that’s forcing air through a series of ducts and vents–it’s not exactly silent, but there are some sounds it really shouldn’t make.

In fact, if it’s making these sounds, it could signal that you need AC repair in Winter Park, FL. Let’s talk about what they are, what they mean, and how serious these sounds can really be.

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What You Get During Air Conditioner Maintenance

April 11th, 2023

Air conditioner maintenance is critical for the longevity of your AC unit. It’s even important for ongoing efficiency, which leads to energy savings. Everyone wants lower energy bills, right?

With air conditioning service in Lake Mary, FL, there are a few things you get in a maintenance call. Let’s talk about them before you schedule your new standing annual maintenance appointment.

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Uncommon AC Repairs You May Run Into

March 27th, 2023

When it comes to AC repairs, there are a lot of common issues that most homeowners will encounter someday. Capacitor problems, some bad wiring, and maybe a dirty filter, but you already expect that. You know what’s coming down the line–at least, most of it.

Beyond the basic thermostat problems and intermediate duct insulation issues, there are some uncommon and downright odd problems that your air conditioner might run into. They all require AC repair in Lake Mary, FL, so let’s take a look at them.

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This is When You Need to Call for Commercial HVAC Services

March 13th, 2023

Your commercial HVAC equipment does an absolute ton of work to keep your business cool and inviting for guests. When customers come through, they expect a certain level of comfort, which is completely reasonable.

When your commercial HVAC equipment falters, that comfort is threatened, which could prevent customers from staying in your business. If you’re not sure what the signs of commercial HVAC failure are, we’ll show you now, then you can book commercial HVAC in Apopka, FL to get it fixed.

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Why Mold Remediation Isn’t a DIY Fix

February 27th, 2023

There are some jobs that just shouldn’t be done by homeowners or anyone who isn’t specially trained. Mold remediation is one of those tasks.

We offer mold remediation in Orlando, FL and have spotted several different DIY attempts at fixing the problem before contacting us. That’s the inspiration for this blog post.

Let’s go over all the reasons that you shouldn’t tackle this on your own based on some examples we’ve seen.

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5 Huge Differences Between Commercial and Residential HVAC Services

February 13th, 2023

Servicing a residential HVAC system is entirely different from servicing a commercial unit. Whether it’s air conditioning, heating, or any niche system in between, there’s a different approach depending on the environment.

We handle commercial HVAC in Windermere, FL as well as residential. In our experience, there are five staggering differences between both types of service that you should know about, and why commercial services aren’t roped in with residential services.

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Classic Signs That You Need Heater Repair

January 30th, 2023

Your heater keeps the house warm, your family comfortable, and works so well that it almost fades into the background. Until it doesn’t. Until one day when you really notice that it’s not quite up to snuff, but you can’t exactly figure out why.

Once you become hyper-aware of your heater, it’s usually a sign that something’s off that you just can’t quite put your finger on. Let’s help you find out if you need heating service in Apopka, FL based on a few different signals your heater might be giving you.

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How to Have Less Heater Repairs in the Future

January 16th, 2023

Nobody is excited to pay for heater repairs. While they’re inevitable at some point during your heater’s lifespan, there are things you can do to try and reduce the number of repairs you’ll need until your heater runs its course.

It’s important to get heater repair in Orlando, FL as soon as possible so your system is operating at peak performance. After that, follow these tips and tricks to make sure the time between this repair and your next one feels like an eternity.

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