It may sound like a lot of letters and gibberish, but trust us, HRVs and ERVs are actually pretty cool!
You see, our homes are often so tightly sealed up, and while this is great for efficiency, it’s quite terrible for indoor air quality… so, a solution was created!
Installing a heat or energy recovery ventilator is a great way to combat poor indoor air quality and maintain the same level of efficiency! Don’t believe us? Keep reading below to find out more! (Oh, and of course, remember to contact our team when you need indoor air quality services in Orlando, FL!)
What are HRVs and ERVs?
HRVs (heat recovery ventilators) and ERVs (energy recovery ventilators) are essentially mechanical ventilators, but with a twist: the heat exchanger. This allows them to transfer heat between air streams, allowing for proper ventilation without sacrificing efficiency.
Simply put, during the summer, the HRV or ERV will transfer heat from the fresh, but warm, incoming air to the stale, but cool, outgoing air. This precools the incoming air so that your AC doesn’t have to work quite as hard. The reverse applies in the winter, as the system prewarms the incoming air, taking work off of your heater’s plate.
What’s the Difference Between an HRV and ERV?
HRV and ERV systems work similarly to each other in terms of temperature regulation. However, the major difference between these two systems is that an ERV, unlike an HRV, can transfer humidity in addition to heat, making it a pretty popular choice here in Florida!
What are the Benefits?
There are plenty of reasons to consider having an HRV or ERV installed in your home:
- Better Efficiency: Perhaps the number one benefit of having one of these systems installed is better efficiency. And, when your heater and AC are energy efficient, it means you’ll spend less money on your energy bills.
- Better Indoor Air Quality: With an HRV or ERV system in place, you won’t have to worry about allowing fresh air into your home. You can certainly expect your indoor air quality to improve.
- Improved Comfort: Better indoor air quality combined with better efficiency means that you can expect your overall comfort to improve.
“I Want One! Now What?”
If you are interested in having a heat or energy recovery ventilator installed in your home, then it is in your best interest to contact your local indoor air quality professionals! Only a certified HVAC pro has the tools, knowledge, and experience to safely and correctly install your new indoor air quality system.
Trust us, when it comes to your comfort, you don’t want to take any risks — be sure to hire a professional if you want the job done right the first time around! So, what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and call today!
To schedule your indoor air quality services, or to learn more about your options, contact the team at English Air Inc. today! Serving the Greater Orlando Area Since 1998.