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3 Signs You Have A Mold Infestation

Mold infestations are usually fairly easy to identify. And you definitely want to pay attention to the signs of mold growth so that you can eradicate the spores from your home and prevent major health problems. You can keep reading to learn three common signs that can indicate you have a mold infestation in your HVAC system or somewhere else in your home.

Then give our team a call to schedule your mold inspection in Orlando, Florida. Scheduling regular service is the best way to prevent mold from ever becoming a major problem. After all, a mold infestation can be very serious and difficult to address if it develops.

Musty Odors

Mold infestations usually lead to bad odors in the surrounding areas. Depending on how bad mold growth is, the smell may be stronger or weaker. Mold growth can produce a damp or musty odor. If an infestation is somewhere inside your HVAC system, the odor can spread throughout the ductwork and blow out into all of the rooms of your home. 

This can make it more difficult to identify the infestation yourself, but you can give our team a call and we will help. Just let us know what signs you are noticing and where you suspect the mold is. We can take it from there and complete an in-depth inspection to locate any mold and also determine the source of the problem.

Physical Reactions

Mold is very dangerous for your health. It is important to know that mold spores are always in the air around you. But an infestation greatly increases the number of spores that you are breathing. Mold can lead to physical symptoms like itchy skin, a persistent cough, sinus problems, and even severe headaches.

You may think you are suffering from allergy symptoms since mold is essentially an allergen that your body is reacting to. However, if you suspect mold at all, we encourage you to schedule a service appointment rather than taking your chances. 

You shouldn’t have to suffer through the symptoms of a mold problem. Once we help you eradicate the growth from your home, you’ll be able to breathe easier and feel more comfortable overall in your home with better indoor air quality.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

And speaking of indoor air quality, sometimes a change in indoor air quality is one of the earlier signs of a mold infestation. Even before you smell a strong odor or develop severe symptoms, a mold infestation may begin impacting the air quality of your home. 

For example, the air around your home may feel humid, which can actually be one of the problems contributing to the mold growth to begin with. The air may also seem stale or heavy due to the additional spores in the air. Even though you may not be able to pinpoint exactly what is wrong, you may still have a distinct feeling that something is wrong, and you should always listen to your intuition. 

Are you ready to talk about the options for identifying and getting rid of mold? Contact the English Air team today to discuss your specific needs.

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