Imagine, it’s 2020, you walk into your local video store, grab your favorite movie on VHS, and watch it on your VCR player. No? Having a hard time imagining such a thing?
See, all technology, no matter how great it once was, will eventually become obsolete. And, just as you finally upgraded to an online streaming service for your favorite movies, we recommend leaving that old, manual thermostat behind and making the switch to a smart thermostat!
Smart thermostats offer homeowners many awesome benefits, and below, we have outlined a few of them for you — just keep reading to find out more!
So, Why a Smart Thermostat?
There are plenty of reasons to make the switch to a smart thermostat, including:
If you live in an older home and you haven’t yet replaced the thermostat, chances are, you own a manual thermostat. (A manual thermostat is any thermostat that you set manually by using a dial or a sliding switch.)Often, it can be hard to see where things line up, leaving you to question if the mark on the dial is at 69° or 70°. Although this may not seem like a big deal, this confusion can make a big difference in terms of efficiency.
Fortunately, smart thermostats have a digital display, ensuring that you never have to second guess whether the temperature you’re reading is correct! This is a simple, yet effective, way to save!
A programmable thermostat allows you to create a custom heating or cooling program based around your personal schedule. That way, you will never have to worry about forgetting to adjust the temperature when you step out of the house for the day.
This is a fantastic way to save money and give your HVAC system the boost it needs to keep you and your family comfortable all year long! Trust us, there’s no need to keep the AC running at full blast all day long (especially when you’re not around!)
WiFi Capabilities
Thermostats with WiFi capabilities allow homeowners to access their HVAC systems from anywhere in the world as long as they have access to a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. So, no more worrying about rising utility costs when you go on a vacation!
Additionally, some smart thermostats are capable of learning your heating and cooling preferences, and within days, it can create a program with the most efficient settings just for you!
So, What are You Waiting For?
If you are interested in making the switch to a smart thermostat, do not hesitate to call your local HVAC contractor in Orlando! Your local professionals will be happy to match you with the thermostat that is going to best meet your unique comfort and budget needs and install it accordingly.
And yes, there may be plenty of amateurs willing to provide these services for a fairly cheap price, but remember, sometimes an attempt to save money could end up costing you much more in the long run!
Schedule your heating and cooling services with the team at English Air Inc. today!