Some of us just don’t have homes that heat or cool that evenly. If you’ve read through our HVAC blog before and seen us talking about “uneven heating and cooling” being the sign of a bad heater or air conditioner and been a little confused, then this blog is for you. We meet homeowners who tell us that despite all their best efforts, their home just doesn’t heat evenly. This is the reality for some, but this doesn’t mean it’s something you have to deal with indefinitely. Instead, you can opt for ductless heating in Orlando, FL.
We love ductless heating on our team. We’re going to get into all the details below. All you need to know for now though is that our heating technicians can help you with whatever you need.
You’re a Good Candidate for Ductless Heating
Here are some signs that you’d be a good candidate for ductless heating:
You Experience Uneven Heating and Cooling
You just don’t have one of those homes that seems to heat all the evenly. Honestly, this is possible if you have a home that has tons of natural light in some places and other areas where it lacks it or if you live in an older home. If remodeling isn’t on the menu for you, then ductless heating should be.
You’re Paying Way Too Much for Your Heating
You notice that your heating bills only grow in cost with time. This isn’t all that unexpected this winter since you’re spending more time indoors than ever, but the cost leap seems to be astronomical. Upgrading to a different type of heater that better suits your needs will help with this.
You’re Dissatisfied With Your Heating
You’re just not warm enough to put it simply. If you’ve done all you can to help your heater to no avail, then it’s definitely time to consider switching.
The Benefits of Going Ductless
Here are some of the benefits of switching over to a ductless system:
Personalized Comfort
Ductless units use individualized air handlers. These air handlers can all run together at once to mimic the centralized heating that you’re probably used to, or they can switch and run individually. If you’re someone who typically has rooms that run a little cooler than others, you can heat them individually without disturbing the rest of your home.
Energy Efficiency
You won’t waste any more energy heating up your entire home when you only want to get warm in your bedroom. Let’s be real here, how many days are spent walking from one room to the next. There are some rooms in your home that you spend no time in and you shouldn’t spend money heating them either. This is where a ductless unit comes in.
Cost Savings
Making sure that you’re not spending any extra money on heating up rooms that don’t need heating will help you cut down on your energy consumption and, subsequently, your heating bill. We think that saving money is a good thing no matter how you slice it. Consider a ductless unit if you’d like to ease the burden on your wallet this winter.