English Air Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Help! I Think My Heat Pump is Broken!

Monday, January 20th, 2020

You want your heat pump to work like it’s supposed to, right? So, if there’s a problem, you want to be sure that you schedule your heating repair in Orlando, FL as soon as possible!

There are a number of reasons why your heat pump might not be working properly, more specifically, why it might be not be providing you with the heat you need, so below, we have listed some of these reasons for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more!

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Treat Yourself to a Brand New Thermostat!

Monday, January 6th, 2020

Imagine, it’s 2020, you walk into your local video store, grab your favorite movie on VHS, and watch it on your VCR player. No? Having a hard time imagining such a thing?

See, all technology, no matter how great it once was, will eventually become obsolete. And, just as you finally upgraded to an online streaming service for your favorite movies, we recommend leaving that old, manual thermostat behind and making the switch to a smart thermostat!

Smart thermostats offer homeowners many awesome benefits, and below, we have outlined a few of them for you — just keep reading to find out more!

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Ready for a New Heater? Read This!

Monday, December 9th, 2019

If you are in the market for a new heating system, then you’ve definitely come to the right spot! See, our team is full of knowledgeable experts — plus, we’ve got this awesome blog to help you out a bit!

See, we understand that purchasing a new heater can be a bit overwhelming, so below, we have provided you with our quick-guide to heating installation. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more (and, of course, remember to call our team when you need an HVAC contractor in Apopka!)

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