English Air Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Is it Time to Kiss Your AC Goodbye?

Monday, June 24th, 2019

We know, we know, letting go of something you love can be hard… even if it is your air conditioner! No? Okay. Maybe that’s just us.

Replacing an older, outdated air conditioner is one of the best ways to ensure that you are getting the absolute most bang for your buck, so there’s no reason why you should wait!

There are plenty of signs that suggest it’s time for a replacement, and below, we have listed some of them for you! All you have to do is keep reading to find out more.

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Enter the Exciting World of Heat Pumps!

Monday, June 10th, 2019

When summer rolls around, there are plenty of things to get excited about: root beer floats, going to the beach, attending your neighbor’s barbecue… and oh yeah — making the switch to a heat pump!

Okay sure, you might not be as excited about heat pumps as we are, but we think you should be! Heat pumps are becoming quite popular — and for good reason. They’re efficient, effective, and well-known for their ability to provide year-round comfort. Keep reading below to find out more.

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Your Ducks, No Ducts, Could Use a Good Cleaning!

Monday, May 13th, 2019

No, no, we aren’t talking about a bird bath! What we are talking about in this week’s blog is the benefits of professional air duct cleaning services. Your ductwork is an essential part of your HVAC system — it’s how air travels throughout your home! But since your ductwork is mostly out of sight, it’s quite easy to become oblivious to the build-up of dirt, dust, and debris over the years.

Regular professional duct cleaning in Orlando is the best way to ensure that your ducts are clean and clear of indoor air contaminants. In fact, there are plenty of benefits of investing in these services, and below, we have listed some of them for you. Keep reading to find out more!

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Don’t Underestimate VRV and VRF Technology

Monday, April 29th, 2019

Summer is coming! It’s hard not to get excited when thinking about all of the things you have to look forward to, especially here in Florida. You have plenty of days spent on the beach, plenty of barbeques, and plenty of time to get that perfect tan to look forward to. Of course, though, there is something that we HVAC technicians can’t help getting excited about: air conditioning.

You want to be sure that your heat pump or air conditioner is operating efficiently and effectively, and for some of you, that may mean having to replace your current system. If you are in the market for a new AC, why not look into the top-of-the-line models that are the finest in operation and energy efficiency? That’s right, we are talking about VRV and VRF models!

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Are You Ready to Go Ductless?

Monday, April 15th, 2019

Obviously, owning a great air conditioner is an absolute necessity here in Florida. And in an area where it can feel like summer year-round, owning both a heater and an air conditioner in Orlando, FL can seem like a bit much. However, you don’t want to be left without heat if the temperature does drop, so what do you do?

Well, did you know that there is a singular alternative to owning both a heater and an air conditioner? That’s right! A ductless system is great for keeping your home cool and comfortable during the summer and warm and toasty during a chilly winter night. Keep reading below to learn more about the benefits of going ductless!

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