English Air Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

What You Get During Air Conditioner Maintenance

Tuesday, April 11th, 2023

Air conditioner maintenance is critical for the longevity of your AC unit. It’s even important for ongoing efficiency, which leads to energy savings. Everyone wants lower energy bills, right?

With air conditioning service in Lake Mary, FL, there are a few things you get in a maintenance call. Let’s talk about them before you schedule your new standing annual maintenance appointment.

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Uncommon AC Repairs You May Run Into

Monday, March 27th, 2023

When it comes to AC repairs, there are a lot of common issues that most homeowners will encounter someday. Capacitor problems, some bad wiring, and maybe a dirty filter, but you already expect that. You know what’s coming down the line–at least, most of it.

Beyond the basic thermostat problems and intermediate duct insulation issues, there are some uncommon and downright odd problems that your air conditioner might run into. They all require AC repair in Lake Mary, FL, so let’s take a look at them.

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Your AC Shouldn’t Make These Sounds

Monday, December 19th, 2022

Your air conditioner makes a few noises here and there, and that’s okay. You notice when the vents kick on and force air out, or when your AC starts up and the cabinet fan begins to whir. Those are all normal.

But how do you know if you need AC repair in Windermere, FL solely based on the sounds that it makes? There are some noises it definitely shouldn’t make and we’re here to tell you what those are.

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Yes, This AC System Need Repairs Too!

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Owning a ductless system is certainly beneficial for a number of reasons. For one, they are super efficient and highly effective. Secondly, they take up very little space! And of course, ductless systems are able to heat and cool your home with just the flip of a switch. Frankly, it’s kind of hard to see why installing a ductless HVAC system would ever be a bad thing!

Of course, though, like any HVAC system, your ductless system is going to require repairs every once in a while. In fact, ductless systems come with their own set of unique repair needs, and below, we have listed some of them for you. So, if you own a ductless system, we recommend you keep reading to find out more about repair needs to be aware of if you own a ductless system:

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Why You Should Invest in a Whole-House Air Purifier

Monday, November 21st, 2022
virus cells on a dark background

Is your air conditioner just missing something? Sure, your air conditioner works, but it doesn’t work well.

This shouldn’t be something you settle for. There are ways to get better air conditioning service. They don’t have to be difficult either! If you need an air purifier in Belle Isle, FL, then we’re the team to provide this work for you. We understand how important is to have the right air purifier services.

We won’t just stop at finding you the air filter that’s going to work for your home. We’re also going to give you the time and attention necessary to keep your home in amazing shape. Indoor air quality is more than the air purifier itself. It’s the service you receive! We’re here to provide you with great work.

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Should You Upgrade Your Thermostat?

Monday, October 24th, 2022

This goes without saying … it’s hot here in Florida! And around here, it doesn’t get cool for long. Now, you’ve likely been using your air conditioner throughout the year. But when temperatures skyrocket, you want to be sure that your AC is efficient and effective. Therefore, now is a great time to consider upgrading your thermostat, which will help even for the brief time you’ll need your heater this winter.

We know you might be wondering how a new, smart thermostat in Orlando, FL has anything to do with the efficiency of your air conditioner, but we are here to tell you that it has everything to do with AC efficiency. We understand that it’s probably going to take some convincing, so below, we have provided the top three reasons why you should upgrade your thermostat. Keep reading to find out more!

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Why Professional AC Installation Is So Important

Monday, September 26th, 2022

The air conditioner in a home is one of the most valuable components of it. AC systems are large units that require careful installation by a skilled and licensed technician. Knowing how valuable it is, it can also be easy to see why you need professional air conditioning installation in Orlando, FL. That is, this is not a task that you want to handle on your own without guidance and support.

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It’s Never Too Late for This Important AC Service!

Monday, September 12th, 2022

Of course, here in Florida, we tend to use our air conditioners more than the average homeowner. Okay fine, much more than the average homeowner.

So it goes without saying that your air conditioner is going to also require quite a bit more attention than the average air conditioner. So, it makes sense then, that there is really no bad time for maintenance—it’s never too late to have a tune-up for your air conditioner! Regular air conditioner maintenance is the best way to ensure that your system is set up for success.

It is important to have your air conditioner maintenance services performed by a professional HVAC technician at least once a year, preferably before the summer actually begins, but consistency matters much more than timing. If you are not yet convinced, keep reading below. We have outlined all of the reasons why maintenance is so important.

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4 Signs You Need AC Repair

Monday, August 1st, 2022

Spending time indoors should be a comfortable experience, but when there is something wrong with your air conditioner, this isn’t quite possible. Air conditioners do need occasional work done on them, and when they do we are here to provide you with reliable AC repair in Apopka, FL.

This also means, however, that you need to know the signs to watch out for that indicate when you need these repairs. Some are easily apparent, but others are more subtle. Read on to learn more!

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Do You Need AC Repair?

Monday, July 4th, 2022

Now that summer is officially here, the temperatures are rising outside. Although things are heating up outdoors, you shouldn’t notice an extreme uptick in heat in your home. If you do, it’s important to check in with your air conditioner and make sure that you’re getting all that you can from this system. 

Sometimes we run into problems with our air conditioner. This doesn’t mean we immediately need to look toward replacement. Sometimes, the problem you’re facing can be solved with AC repair in Orlando, FL. We’re here when you need work that’s going to make a difference in your home. 

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