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What Makes an Inverter HVAC System Different?

If you’ve heard of an inverter AC, you may be wondering what sets it apart from other types of HVAC systems. An inverter unit offers benefits such as greater energy efficiency and cooling customization. Just give our team a call when you are ready to upgrade your air conditioning in Apopka, FL.

You can also keep reading to learn more about how an inverter HVAC system works and what makes it different compared to a more standard unit. From there you can decide if the inverter system is the right solution for your home and family.

Inverter AC vs. Standard AC

The key difference between an inverter air conditioner and the standard version is that an inverter model has variable speeds for the motor. This means that the air conditioner can work harder when it needs to, but dial back the power when temperatures are milder and your home doesn’t need as much cooling power.

A standard air conditioner only has one speed setting. This means that your air conditioner is always working as hard as it can to cool your home. This is fantastic if you want to have comfortable indoor air temperatures. However, it can lead to higher energy costs when your home simply doesn’t need as much cooling power.

Benefits of an Inverter Model

You might be wondering why you would want to have an inverter air conditioner instead of a standard model. Here in Florida, you use our air conditioners for a large portion of the year. During the peak of summer, you need as much cooling power as you can get to lower the indoor air temperatures against the stifling heat outside.

Even though temperatures go down into the fall and winter seasons, there are still many days you need to run air conditioning instead of heating. An inverter model offers you the benefit of saving on energy when you don’t need as much cooling power. 

During the fall and winter seasons, an inverter model air conditioner can dial back the power and consume less energy for cooling your home down. You can save money on your monthly energy costs as a result while still maintaining comfortable temperatures. Plus, this offers the added benefit of reducing the wear and tear on your air conditioner. 

When your air conditioner is not working as hard, it will last for longer than the average lifespan. If the average lifespan of an air conditioner is 10 to 15 years, you will get closer to the 15-year mark and even maybe a little bit longer. 

Care Tips

No matter what type of air conditioner you have, proper care is crucial to maintaining smooth operation. Be sure to keep up with tasks like changing out the air filter on time, rinsing the condensate drain line, and hosing off the outdoor unit. Even an inverter AC can struggle with cooling when it doesn’t have proper care.

Are you ready to talk about the options for installing air conditioning in your home? Contact the English Air team today to discuss your specific needs.

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