If you own a heat pump, then you know how truly great these systems are. Not only are they super efficient and effective, but they’ve also got the ability to provide year-round comfort with just the flip of a switch!
But, unfortunately, no matter how great your heat pump is, eventually it is going to require repairs. In fact, there are a number of signs that suggest your heat pump is in need of repairs, and below, we have listed some of them for you. Just keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to contact us when you need Orlando heat pump repair.
Be on the Lookout for These Signs of Trouble
There are a number of signs that indicate trouble with your heat pump. These include:
- Ice developing along the coils: If you notice ice along the coils, then your heat pump could be suffering from one of two problems. There might be a refrigerant leak, in which case you will need repairs to find and seal the leak and then recharge the lost refrigerant. The second possibility is the coil has become too dirty to allow easy heat absorption, and this will require a technician to remove and clean the coil. Just scraping the ice off will not do any good. It will come back and continue to grow.
- Grinding or clicking noises from the cabinet: Unusual noises from a heat pump cabinet are rarely good signs. The two most common warning noises are clicking and grinding. Clicking is usually a signal that one of the capacitors is on the edge of failing. (Capacitors transfer voltage to start the motors and keep them running.) Grinding tends to mean that the motors have lost lubrication or have become dirty and will soon burn out. In both cases, you’ll need a repair technician to replace the failing unit(s).
- The heat pump remains stuck in one mode: If your heat pump refuses to cool or refuses to heat, then the issue is probably from the reversing valve. This valve reverses the direction the refrigerant flows through the system, which is how the heat pump switches from heating to cooling. If the reversing valve malfunctions, the heater will remain in one mode. Call for repairs to have the reversing valve replaced.
Call in a Professional
When the time comes to schedule your heat pump repairs, you want to make absolutely certain that you’ve hired a certified HVAC professional for the job. Only a professional has the tools, training, and experience to safely and correctly handle the complex needs of your system–the first time around,
Yes, there may be plenty of amateurs willing to service your system for fairly cheap. But remember, sometimes an attempt to save money could end up costing you much more in the long run. Trust us, when it comes to your comfort, you don’t want to take any risks.
Ready to schedule your heat pump repairs? Contact the team at English Air Inc. today to get started!